Tech Articles

Basic Steps to Keep Your Business’s Data Safe

Keeping our data safe and secure is a very serious matter, but there are a few things that can be done to keep precious information safe from external invasions as well as ...

Public Cloud Risks You Should Understand

It’s not as though it’s a secret. More and more, companies are embracing the advantages of the cloud, both for data storage and for certain processing functions. There’s a good reason for ...

Considerations For Planning A Hybrid Cloud Backup System

The biggest drawback to a non-cloud, in-house backup system is the cost. Sure, it’s a time-tested, relatively reliable solution, but it’s also quite expensive, both in terms of the initial capital outlay ...

Microsoft Plans to Urge All Windows Users to Windows 10

For decades, Windows users have endured Microsoft’s attempts at developing an operating system they could depend on for more than a few sales cycles. From Windows XP, the parade has gone through ...

How Electronic Payments Can Help Grow Your Business

If you have yet to notice, the world of electronic payments continues to expand and has caught on with major players such as Apple Computer and eBay. eBay has decided to split ...

How CRM Can Help Small Business Improve Communication

The heartbeat of every business is its customers. Can a small to medium-sized business get value out of a customer relationship management (CRM) software package? CRM Customer Relationship Management, in its most ...

Essential Features of Email Systems for Businesses of Any Size

Email has become essential to the business world. Just as the two-way radio became essential for police forces after an initial skeptical period, email has become a cornerstone of business communication. Whether ...


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